Top 5 Safest crypto-coins to Trade

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                       Top 5 Safest Crypto-coins to Trade 

- In The world of Bitcoin Trading and other crypto-currency here the Top five of the safest cryptocoins to Trade with if you are an amateur or less then 3 years of experience in Bitcoin Trading .

5 - BCH ( bitcoin cash ) :

                                                        28% in value off

 - from 1849 to 531 in eight month .

4 - Ethereum classic :


                                                    27% in value off

- This crypto-coin has shown The less lost of the value compering to the other coins , from 46 dollar to 12.43 mean 46/12.43 = 3.7 . 

- why it's safe ETC because when bitcoin go down every coin drop with the him but etc recover most of his chart like waves so you can hold then sell .

3 - Stellar ( str ) :


                                                     24% in value off

- from 0.91 to 0.22 in eight month 

4 - Monero (XMR ) :

                                                      20% in value off 

- from 478 to 98 in eight month .

5 - Ethereum :

                                                       19% in value off 

- the top one is the ethereum just 19% of drooping .


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